Border Theories

Inkjet-prints on cotton paper size 86x118cm
Collaboration project with Hanne Tyrmi.
Commissioned by KORO for The Ofoten Court House, Narvik.
Collaboration project with Hanne Tyrmi.
Commissioned by KORO for The Ofoten Court House, Narvik.
What is a house, what is a room, what is the image of a room, the memory of a room? The intertwining of the world and the self is happening mainly through architecture,– cities, houses and rooms. Buildings are structuring experiences – one can not think of an experience without simultaneously imagine the place where it happened.
The architectural theorist Mark Wigley claims that architecture is purely about structure and points out that every structure is full of enigmas and gaps. We perceive a house as a solid structure and we trust its stability. But in reality we are only relating to the surfaces; floor, walls and ceiling. This is a set of representations relating to the idea of a room, but it isn´t the room itself. The room itself exists because of its construction, the underlying structure. And this structure exists of far more gaps and spaces than of solid material. How can we trust in these in-between-spaces and that our idea of the room is real? What can we find in the subconsciousness of architecture?
Documentation: Werner Zellien
The architectural theorist Mark Wigley claims that architecture is purely about structure and points out that every structure is full of enigmas and gaps. We perceive a house as a solid structure and we trust its stability. But in reality we are only relating to the surfaces; floor, walls and ceiling. This is a set of representations relating to the idea of a room, but it isn´t the room itself. The room itself exists because of its construction, the underlying structure. And this structure exists of far more gaps and spaces than of solid material. How can we trust in these in-between-spaces and that our idea of the room is real? What can we find in the subconsciousness of architecture?
Documentation: Werner Zellien